![]() David Eldar ?BGIPRS 314 Tim Weiss 182 Last play: Tim: EEENNOP 15k PONE +21 182 OP, MO, EN, DE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11) best 15J OPEN 24 0.3860% EEN 9.18 13M NEE 13 0.3655% ENOP 1.27 9K (A)EON 28 0.3191% EENP 3.89 13L OPEN 27 0.2801% EEN 13.8 15K NONE 17 0.2760% EEP 0.970 15K PENE 21 0.2670% ENO 8.13 15J EPEE 24 0.2637% NNO 7.59 15K NEE 13 0.2635% ENOP 8.50 15K EEN 13 0.2615% ENOP 8.22 15M EEN 14 0.2556% ENOP 9.38*15K PONE 21 0.1745% EEN |
Tiles remaining: 35>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 | David: | DELTTUZ | h7 | LUTZ | +26 | 26 | |
2 | Tim: | ABINNSY | 9e | BANTY | +15 | 15 | |
3 | David: | CDEFORT | f8 | FACTORED | +72 | 98 | |
4 | Tim: | AIILNOS | 15d | NIDAL | +21 | 36 | |
5 | Tim: | AIILNOS | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 41 | ||
6 | David: | AEELNRS | 13c | LEARNERS | +70 | 168 | |
7 | Tim: | ADGIOOS | 10h | ZOO | +19 | 60 | YO |
8 | David: | EEHIJVW | 12b | JEW | +38 | 206 | EL, WE |
9 | Tim: | AADGIPS | 11c | GAIT | +20 | 80 | GEL, AWE |
10 | David: | AEHIQTV | k8 | QAT | +25 | 231 | ZOOT |
11 | Tim: | ADEFIPS | 8k | QADIS | +48 | 128 | |
12 | David: | EHIMUVX | l3 | EXUVIA | +32 | 263 | |
13 | Tim: | EEFINPT | m3 | FIT | +33 | 161 | EF, XI, UT |
14 | David: | DEGHMOS | 14j | HOMED | +51 | 314 | SH |
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