Max Panitch 47 Will Anderson EEINRTY 17 Last play: Max: CINNORZ 7h COZ +29 47 CAM, OWE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11) 0.0213 7H CORN 21 55.63% INZ best 10G ZIN 23 55.53% CNOR 2.26 10E CONIN 20 54.71% RZ 2.15 10F COIN 23 54.69% NRZ 2.51 7H CONN 21 54.41% IRZ 3.63 7H CON 20 53.96% INRZ 4.28 7H CONI 21 53.63% NRZ 5.45 7H CONIN 22 53.19% RZ 5.77 7H COIN 21 53.06% NRZ 6.16 10E RONIN 18 52.97% CZ 10.8*7H COZ 29 50.78% INNR |
Tiles remaining: 83>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 | Max: | AINORVW | 8g | VAW | +18 | 18 | |
2 | Will: | EILMNRR | 9h | MERL | +17 | 17 | AM, WE |
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