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2024 North American SCRABBLE® Championship

Division CSW1 Round 8 Alphabetic Pairings

TablePlayer Opponent
12Akinyi, Wenwa (023) 2ndShin, Austin (004) 1st
5Anderson, Will (002) 1stBaig, Moizullah (037) 2nd
5Baig, Moizullah (037) 2ndAnderson, Will (002) 1st
9Bergmann, Jacob (025) 2ndTunnicliffe, Matthew (003) 1st
2Bowman, Brian (012) 2ndKhatri, Waseem (009) 1st
 Brodeur, Emily (029) bye
7Castellano, Joshua (005) 2ndSokol, Josh (007) 1st
8Catanese, Paula (031) 2ndLinn, Robert (016) 1st
11Charles, Leslie (015) 2ndWhitmarsh, Bradley (014) 1st
16Cullman, Roger (027) 2ndMelvin, Cheryl (034) 1st
10Kaia (028) 2ndKantimathi, Sam (021) 1st
17Kang, Terry (026) 2ndPolak Scowcroft, Caroline (033) 1st
10Kantimathi, Sam (021) 1stKaia (028) 2nd
4Keller, Jason (008) 1stSchoenbrun, Ben (006) 2nd
2Khatri, Waseem (009) 1stBowman, Brian (012) 2nd
3Leah, Tony (017) 2ndWapnick, Joel (010) 1st
8Linn, Robert (016) 1stCatanese, Paula (031) 2nd
TablePlayer Opponent
16Melvin, Cheryl (034) 1stCullman, Roger (027) 2nd
17Polak Scowcroft, Caroline (033) 1stKang, Terry (026) 2nd
14Porter, James (024) 1stWarriar, Kaveri (035) 2nd
1Reinke, Charles (018) 1stSjoholm, Alec (001) 2nd
6Reinke, Thomas (011) 1stUbeika, Jason (020) 2nd
13Roberdeau, Joe (030) 1stWeiss, Tim (019) 2nd
4Schoenbrun, Ben (006) 2ndKeller, Jason (008) 1st
12Shin, Austin (004) 1stAkinyi, Wenwa (023) 2nd
1Sjoholm, Alec (001) 2ndReinke, Charles (018) 1st
7Sokol, Josh (007) 1stCastellano, Joshua (005) 2nd
15Sulaiman, Mohammad (022) 2ndWinter (013) 1st
9Tunnicliffe, Matthew (003) 1stBergmann, Jacob (025) 2nd
6Ubeika, Jason (020) 2ndReinke, Thomas (011) 1st
3Wapnick, Joel (010) 1stLeah, Tony (017) 2nd
14Warriar, Kaveri (035) 2ndPorter, James (024) 1st
13Weiss, Tim (019) 2ndRoberdeau, Joe (030) 1st
11Whitmarsh, Bradley (014) 1stCharles, Leslie (015) 2nd
TablePlayer Opponent
15Winter (013) 1stSulaiman, Mohammad (022) 2nd

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