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2014 Scrabble Champions Tournament

Prize Table

1Rank: 1st£3,000Beevers, Craig (12/Eng) 19-5 +820
2Rank: 2nd£1,000Eldar, David (32/AUS) 18-6 +902
3Rank: 3rd£500Logan, Adam (56/CAN) 17-7 +1471
4Rank: 4th£500Wiegand, Dave (103/USA) 17-7 +1298
5Rank: 5th£250Smitheram, Brett (93/Eng) 17-7 +1217
6Rank: 6th£250May, Chris (62/AUS) 17-7 +1033
7Rank: 7th£250Lipe, Chris (55/USA) 16-8 +996
8Rank: 8th£250Richards, Alastair (78/AUS) 16-8 +909
91700-1799 Rank: 1st£200Edwards, Calum (31/Eng) 15-9 +558
101500-1699 Rank: 1st£200Le, Cecilia (109/USA) 13-11 +777
111200-1499 Rank: 1st£150O'Rourke, Nuala (68/NIr) 13-11 -105
12<1200 Rank: 1st£150Abbasi, Abdullah (01/PAK) 10-14 -4
13Rating upsetgame prizeAbdullah Abbasi (PAK), 2106-1186=920, 487-399 vs. David Eldar (AUS)
14Rating upsetgame prizeAbbasi, Abdullah (01/PAK), 487-399, 920=2106-1186 vs. Eldar, David (32/AUS)
15Rating upsetgame prizeSiddiqui, Sumbul (92/Eng), 476-285, 806=1638-832 vs. Tan, Alex (100/MYS)
16Rating upsetgame prizeO'Rourke, Nuala (68/NIr), 404-335, 628=2120-1492 vs. Richards, Alastair (78/AUS)
17Rating upsetgame prizeCallaghan, Rowan (17/Eng), 395-343, 606=1953-1347 vs. Scott, Neil (89/Sco)
18Rating upsetgame prizeBruce, Cicely (15/NZL), 482-380, 598=2125-1527 vs. May, Chris (62/AUS)
19Rating upsetgame prizeHuitson, Nicky (44/Eng), 416-387, 579=1949-1370 vs. Berofsky, Evan (13/CAN)
20Rating upsetgame prizeGerald (18/THA), 458-427, 560=2315-1755 vs. Richards, Nigel (80/NZL)
21Rating upsetgame prizeCaba, Catalin (16/ROM), 395-386, 555=1904-1349 vs. Tristan, Ze (107/ZAF)
22Rating upsetgame prizeHuitson, Nicky (44/Eng), 416-326, 540=1910-1370 vs. Webb, David (102/Eng)
23Rating upsetgame prizeHaigh, Graham (40/Eng), 475-474, 537=2315-1778 vs. Richards, Nigel (80/NZL)
24Rating upsetgame prizePoh, Ying Ming (72/SGP), 428-384, 517=1712-1195 vs. Neil Rowley (Eng)
25Round 9 Spot prize: highest scoring 2nd movegame prizeZe Tristan (ZAF), BROWSES/JO/AW/QIS, 104
26Round 10 Spot prize: highest scoring out-playgame prizeGerry Carter (THA), STORAXES, 100
27Round 11 Spot prize: highest scoring word with a Wgame prizeAdam Logan (CAN): WARDERS (93)
28Round 12 Spot prize: closest to average scoregame prizeDiane Pratesi (Eng): 415 (414.94)
29Round 13 Spot prize: highest scoring word of the roundgame prizeDave Koenig (USA), BIOETHIC, 158
30Round 16 Spot prize: highest scoring word with a Zgame prizeScott Jackson, EPIZOOTY, 84
31Round 17 Spot prize: lowest losing margingame prizeChris Cummins (Eng), Ewa Kondracka (POL), 2 points (tied)
32Round 18 Spot prize: lowest bonus playgame prizeSimon Gillam (Sco), ELUSIONS, 59
33Round 19 Spot prize: highest scoring word with a Jgame prizeNuala O'Rourke, JEERING (80?)

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.