Nigel Richards 251 Ranganathan Chakravarthy DEELTUY 233 Last play: Nigel: AFGIMRS b7 FOG +15 251 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) 1.22*B7 F(O)G 15 68.89% AIMRS best M4 FR(I)G 26 68.44% AIMS 3.17 A3 GAMIF(Y) 16 67.85% RS 6.37 K10 MAG 19 64.70% FIRS 6.46 2N FA 22 64.51% GIMRS 7.73 4K G(I)F 11 63.94% AIMRS 7.83 K10 MAGI 21 63.60% FRS 8.20 B7 F(O)AM 22 63.39% GIRS 8.21 7B G(A)MA 20 63.21% FIRS 8.81 K10 MARG 21 63.12% FIS |
Tiles remaining: 38>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Nigel: | ENNPUWZ | h7 | WUZ | +30 | 30 | |
2 | Ranganathan: | EEINPRS | i2 | REPINES | +69 | 69 | |
3 | Nigel: | EENNOPS | 5e | PENSIONE | +90 | 120 | |
4 | Ranganathan: | EEIIINV | l3 | VIE | +12 | 81 | |
5 | Nigel: | CIORRSU | 6k | URIC | +21 | 141 | |
6 | Ranganathan: | AEEIINR | 6d | AINE | +16 | 97 | |
7 | Nigel: | IIKOORS | h1 | KOROS | +39 | 180 | |
8 | Ranganathan: | EHHIRTT | j7 | TETH | +24 | 121 | |
9 | Nigel: | AABBIIS | j1 | ABB | +29 | 209 | |
10 | Ranganathan: | ACGHIOR | c3 | CHORAGI | +85 | 206 | |
11 | Nigel: | AIIMOSY | 8a | YOGI | +27 | 236 | |
12 | Ranganathan: | DEILLNR | 1j | ALDRIN | +27 | 233 |
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