Dave Wiegand BGLRTUX 205 James Curley 199 Blanks: L6=Y. Last play: James: JLOOSTT 5k JOTA +43 199 JA, Oy, TE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *5K JOT(A) 43 40.48% LOST 10.0 5K JOT(A)S 45 34.13% LOT 15.0 5K JO 37 31.88% LOSTT 15.5 14J JOT(S) 27 31.70% LOST 14.5 O1 JOLTS 41 31.33% OT 18.3 12K JO(IS)T 26 29.57% LOST 19.1 L2 JOLT(y) 22 29.17% OST 22.3 K5 J(A)TO 22 27.74% LOST 22.6 K3 JOT(A) 22 27.46% LOST 24.2 5D JOLTS 31 26.49% OT |
Tiles remaining: 49>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Dave: | ADEEINY | 8d | YEANED | +28 | 28 | |
2 | James: | EILMNPU | 7e | PLUME | +28 | 28 | PE, LA, UN, ME, ED |
3 | Dave: | ?DIIITU | -UIIIT | +0 | 28 | ||
4 | James: | AHIMNNO | 9f | HIN | +22 | 50 | LAH, UNI, MEN |
5 | Dave: | ?AABDER | 6h | ABRAyED | +77 | 105 | AMEN, BED |
6 | James: | AAEMNOS | n5 | ADENOMAS | +67 | 117 | |
7 | Dave: | AEINOST | m8 | ATONIES | +79 | 184 | AN, TO, OM, NA, IS |
8 | James: | GILOSTW | o7 | WIG | +39 | 156 | EW, ANI, TOG |
9 | Dave: | ILRRTTU | e7 | PETRI | +21 | 205 | THIN |
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