![]() Nick Ball AHKOOST 207 Austin Shin 202 Blanks: D6=B. Last play: Austin: EGINOTU 8a OUTBY +30 202 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *8A OUT(BY) 30 35.89% EGIN 11.3 1A TOGUE 23 28.39% IN 14.5 J8 (D)UE 9 27.23% GINOT 15.1 1K OU 8 26.60% EGINT 16.3 L6 OU 9 26.47% EGINT 16.3 4G OU(P) 6 26.44% EGINT 15.8 3H E(M)U 10 26.19% GINOT 16.4 1L OUT 7 25.93% EGIN 17.4 J8 (D)OUT 10 25.56% EGIN 19.3 3H U(M)E 10 24.95% GINOT |
Tiles remaining: 36>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Nick: | DIIMNSW | 8g | WIND | +16 | 16 | |
2 | Austin: | EGLTTUY | k4 | GUTTY | +30 | 30 | WINDY |
3 | Nick: | GIIMOPS | i2 | IMPOSING | +69 | 85 | |
4 | Austin: | EEEELLS | 4k | GELEE | +14 | 44 | |
5 | Nick: | AAADILO | m3 | ALODIA | +16 | 101 | |
6 | Austin: | AEELNSS | 2e | SEALINES | +62 | 106 | |
7 | Nick: | ?AAAELR | 1g | AA | +14 | 115 | AA, AL |
8 | Austin: | EFILNOZ | o2 | OLEFINE | +30 | 136 | |
9 | Nick: | ?AELORR | 6b | LAbORERS | +61 | 176 | |
10 | Austin: | BENTUUZ | d4 | ZEbUB | +36 | 172 | |
11 | Nick: | DHKSTTY | e5 | DOTY | +31 | 207 | ED, UT, BY |
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