Nick Ball 287 Josh Castellano ?AADGTV 242 Last play: Nick: EEIPRST b10 PIERT +40 287 PO, IN, ES Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *B10 PIERT 40 73.19% ES 6.03 3C PE 21 70.39% EIRST 8.52 3C PET 26 68.51% EIRS 8.92 B10 PIERS 40 68.31% ET 9.61 B10 PIETS 40 67.92% ER 10.2 B10 PIERST 42 66.97% E 11.6 B6 PE 22 66.82% EIRST 12.0 B10 PE 22 66.38% EIRST 13.4 B10 PI 22 66.00% EERST 12.9 B10 PIERTS 42 65.63% E |
Tiles remaining: 38>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Nick: | EGHIMNT | 8c | THEMING | +84 | 84 | |
2 | Josh: | AIILRSU | h1 | SILURIAN | +77 | 77 | |
3 | Nick: | DEEKQRY | e5 | REKEYED | +60 | 144 | |
4 | Josh: | AEFNOOO | f8 | MOFO | +38 | 115 | YO, EF, DO |
5 | Nick: | AANOOQS | 4f | AQUA | +13 | 157 | |
6 | Josh: | AELNOTU | 1a | TOLUANES | +77 | 192 | |
7 | Nick: | ACNOORS | c5 | CARTOONS | +62 | 219 | |
8 | Josh: | ?ABDGLT | g6 | GLIB | +28 | 220 | GI, LA, YOB |
9 | Nick: | EEFPRRT | j4 | ERF | +28 | 247 | AQUAE |
10 | Josh: | ?ADDIRT | 2b | DIRT | +22 | 242 | OD, LI, UR, AT |
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