![]() Tony Leah 242 Vince Castellano AEGRTTW 320 Last play: Tony: BEIIRWX d6 REX +39 242 ER, TE, EX Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4) 6.06 3L WIRE 20 2.272% BIX 1.72 D10 IBEX 28 1.986% IRW best 12D WIRIE(R) 20 1.850% BX 0.501*D6 REX 39 1.843% BIIW 7.81 D1 BRI(N) 20 1.519% EIWX 7.36 3L WEB 22 1.499% IIRX 16.5 3L BRIE 17 1.449% IWX 11.2 3L WEX 32 1.446% BIIR 8.45 3L WEIR 20 1.411% BIX 5.62 B10 IWI 12 1.389% BERX |
Tiles remaining: 34>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 | Tony: | EEEFGNR | 8g | FEG | +14 | 14 | |
2 | Vince: | AELNOUY | 9g | YA | +23 | 23 | FY, EA |
3 | Tony: | CEENNOR | i5 | CONGENER | +70 | 84 | YAE |
4 | Vince: | AEHLNOU | 5e | EULACHON | +102 | 125 | |
5 | Vince: | AEHLNOU | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 130 | ||
6 | Tony: | DDIMRSS | 6h | DOMS | +31 | 115 | AD, HM, OS |
7 | Vince: | ANSTUVY | 4a | VAUNTY | +39 | 169 | TE, YU |
8 | Tony: | DGIIPRS | a4 | VIRID | +27 | 142 | |
9 | Vince: | EEINQST | c3 | QUIETENS | +88 | 257 | |
10 | Vince: | EEINQST | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 262 | ||
11 | Tony: | GIKMPRS | 13i | SKIMP | +41 | 183 | CONGENERS |
12 | Vince: | AACOOOT | 4j | OCA | +27 | 289 | OHM, COS, AN |
13 | Tony: | BEEGNRR | k8 | REBEGIN | +20 | 203 | |
14 | Vince: | AGHOOTW | l11 | HOMO | +31 | 320 | EH, GO, NO |
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