Max Panitch BGIIQTY 127 David Gibson 117 Last play: David: ACEGMRT k5 GAMAY +22 117 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) best M7 G(U)M 11 43.79% ACERT 0.393*K5 GAM(AY) 22 43.59% CERT 2.90 D1 MEGA 29 42.18% CRT 3.47 6B M(E)G 12 42.17% ACERT 3.75 M7 M(U)G 11 41.63% ACERT 5.33 D1 MAGE 29 41.02% CRT 4.89 10F REGMA 29 40.71% CT 6.08 D1 GAME 28 40.68% CRT 5.66 10F MEG 19 40.61% ACRT 7.27 G7 G(LI)M 9 40.04% ACERT |
Tiles remaining: 63>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Max: | DEEELPR | 8d | PEELED | +24 | 24 | |
2 | David: | EINORRY | 9g | IRONY | +19 | 19 | LI, ER, DO |
3 | Max: | CEGKLRU | d8 | PLUCK | +26 | 50 | |
4 | David: | AENRSTT | c2 | NATTERS | +76 | 95 | SPEELED |
5 | Max: | ABEGRUZ | 8k | AZURE | +77 | 127 | AY |
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