![]() Mike Frentz ALMNOPS 249 Joey Krafchick 234 Blanks: E5=R. H7=S. Last play: Joey: FHINRRU 3i UNFAIR +20 234 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3) best 3I FUR(A)N 24 28.41% HIR 2.82 10K (T)URF 15 27.37% HINR 1.70*3I UNF(A)IR 20 27.32% HR 3.96 3I FRI(A)R 24 25.84% HNU 5.54 L11 FUR 17 25.51% HINR 5.74 L11 FIRN 19 25.17% HRU 6.87 A8 UH 21 24.92% FINRR 6.28 L11 HUN 17 24.17% FIRR 10.7 2J RU(F)F 12 24.14% HINR 6.91 14B (C)HURN 17 24.07% FIR |
Tiles remaining: 37>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Mike: | ACEORTY | 8h | ORACY | +28 | 28 | |
2 | Joey: | ?ADEORW | 7b | REDOWAs | +63 | 63 | sO |
3 | Mike: | ?EEHTTU | e2 | THErEOUT | +70 | 98 | |
4 | Joey: | ABBELTU | c2 | BLUEBEAT | +76 | 139 | |
5 | Mike: | EIIJNTZ | k5 | ZINCITE | +72 | 170 | |
6 | Joey: | CDEGIMO | j6 | GOA | +17 | 156 | GI, ON |
7 | Mike: | AFJNOQS | 2a | JOB | +24 | 194 | |
8 | Joey: | CDEIMUY | b9 | EMYDIC | +42 | 198 | ET |
9 | Mike: | AFNQSSV | 13a | QIS | +24 | 218 | |
10 | Joey: | HIKORUU | a2 | JOUK | +16 | 214 | |
11 | Mike: | AAFNPSV | l2 | FAVA | +31 | 249 | ZA |
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