![]() Lilla Sinanan AIORSTU 100 Adam Logan 163 Blanks: C6=C. J8=S. Last play: Adam: AEGHJSW i3 JEES +19 163 Quackle Report --Speedy Player's choices (your play: 1)----- best *I3 JE(ES) 19 AGHSW 0.0781 K2 JEH(U)S 28 AGW 0.723 K4 J(U)S 23 AEGHW 2.12 9B WHA 17 EGJS 2.12 J8 (s)HWA 17 EGJS 2.63 K4 G(U)SH 21 AEJW 3.12 D1 WHA(P) 16 EGJS 3.41 9A WAGE 14 HJS 3.41 D1 GAW(P)E(R) 14 HJS 3.65 9D AG(A) 13 EHJSW |
Tiles remaining: 61>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 | Lilla: | ?EIKLMR | 8d | MILKERs | +80 | 80 | |
2 | Adam: | AEINNPU | f3 | PINNULAE | +64 | 64 | |
3 | Lilla: | AAADPSU | 4d | PAID | +14 | 94 | |
4 | Adam: | ?IMORSY | 6c | cRONYISM | +68 | 132 | |
5 | Lilla: | AAGOOSU | -UAOO | +0 | 94 | ||
6 | Adam: | AAEEHSU | 5i | EAU | +12 | 144 | |
7 | Lilla: | ADGLRST | 10e | GELD | +6 | 100 |
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