![]() Bradley Whitmarsh ?AENOTV 135 Victor Amartey 166 Last play: Victor: BDDEIRW 3g DIB +24 166 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *3G D(I)B 24 63.94% DEIRW 5.96 3G B(I)D 24 61.12% DEIRW 8.22 F2 WI(N)DED 21 59.73% BR 8.92 F2 WI(N)ED 21 59.69% BDR 9.10 13L DIB 21 59.07% DERW 9.46 13L BI 18 58.52% DDERW 10.3 H10 (R)IDDER 30 58.18% BW 12.4 3E REB(I)D 28 57.29% DIW 11.9 F2 WI(N)D 16 57.18% BDER 13.0 F2 BI(N)D 13 56.40% DERW |
Tiles remaining: 46>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 | Bradley: | CIILNSU | 8h | UNI | +6 | 6 | |
2 | Victor: | DEEGSST | j4 | SEDGIEST | +66 | 66 | |
3 | Bradley: | CGILNNS | 5h | GLEN | +10 | 16 | |
4 | Victor: | ACEEGLR | 11j | TEG | +8 | 74 | |
5 | Bradley: | CIINPST | h1 | ICING | +27 | 43 | |
6 | Victor: | ACEILRR | 10f | CIRLS | +13 | 87 | |
7 | Bradley: | BMMPSTU | l1 | BUMPS | +34 | 77 | |
8 | Victor: | AAEEIRY | 1l | BAYE | +27 | 114 | |
9 | Bradley: | EIMRTTT | 2k | MUTER | +28 | 105 | |
10 | Victor: | AAABEIR | 7i | AGA | +8 | 122 | |
11 | Bradley: | AFINOTT | 12k | FIT | +23 | 128 | |
12 | Victor: | ABDEEIR | 3k | AME | +20 | 142 | |
13 | Bradley: | AAENNOT | 4f | NONAS | +7 | 135 |
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