![]() Dipo Akanbi EIMRSTW 263 Jeremy Khoo 134 Last play: Jeremy: ADILUVW 1f WOULD +27 134 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 10) best 1E AV(O)W 30 1.413% DILU 3.70 1F V(O)W 27 1.259% ADILU 5.77 2A VAW 27 1.145% DILU 12.5 5C VIDU(A)L 20 1.105% AW 10.3 D1 WI(N)D 24 1.060% ALUV 9.11 1E AV(O)ID 27 1.043% LUW 5.17 A11 W(E)ALD 36 1.005% IUV 5.52 B1 VI(S)UAL 22 0.9665% DW 8.81 2C WUD 17 0.9506% AILV 4.10*1F W(O)ULD 27 0.8350% AIV |
Tiles remaining: 53>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Dipo: | ADLNTUU | 8b | UNADULT | +68 | 68 | |
2 | Dipo: | AADFIIT | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 73 | ||
3 | Jeremy: | AANOSVY | e8 | DAVY | +22 | 22 | |
4 | Dipo: | AADFIIT | c7 | INTIFADA | +78 | 151 | |
5 | Jeremy: | ANOOPRS | b10 | PO | +25 | 47 | |
6 | Dipo: | EEMNOSX | 12a | EXAM | +40 | 191 | |
7 | Jeremy: | AAINORS | g1 | ORINASAL | +60 | 107 | |
8 | Dipo: | CEENOSS | 3b | SENECIOS | +72 | 263 |
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