![]() Dipo Akanbi EILOOR 489 Jeremy Khoo 407 Blanks: B2=R. G15=P. Last play: Jeremy: ?ABETUZ b1 ErSATZ +68 407 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) best B2 A(S)sEZ 66 BTU 1.00*B1 Er(S)ATZ 68 BU 23.0 4J BE(T)A 16 ?TUZ 26.0 4J BA(T)E 16 ?TUZ 33.0 M7 BUAT 16 ?EZ 39.0 M7 BoUT 15 AEZ 40.0 M7 BEAT 16 ?UZ 40.0 4I ABU(T) 17 ?ETZ 42.0 4I ABE(T) 17 ?TUZ 66.0 K2 mAU(M)ET 21 BZ |
Tiles remaining: 2>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Dipo: | ADLNTUU | 8b | UNADULT | +68 | 68 | |
2 | Dipo: | AADFIIT | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 73 | ||
3 | Jeremy: | AANOSVY | e8 | DAVY | +22 | 22 | |
4 | Dipo: | AADFIIT | c7 | INTIFADA | +78 | 151 | |
5 | Jeremy: | ANOOPRS | b10 | PO | +25 | 47 | |
6 | Dipo: | EEMNOSX | 12a | EXAM | +40 | 191 | |
7 | Jeremy: | AAINORS | g1 | ORINASAL | +60 | 107 | |
8 | Dipo: | CEENOSS | 3b | SENECIOS | +72 | 263 | |
9 | Jeremy: | ADILUVW | 1f | WOULD | +27 | 134 | |
10 | Dipo: | EIMRSTW | 5f | WARTIMES | +76 | 339 | |
11 | Jeremy: | AEIIIRV | d1 | VINIER | +26 | 160 | |
12 | Dipo: | BDEGGLY | 14b | BAGGY | +40 | 379 | |
13 | Jeremy: | ?AAEINQ | 15a | QI | +37 | 197 | |
14 | Dipo: | DEELNPT | l1 | PELTED | +24 | 403 | |
15 | Jeremy: | ?AAEGNO | 15f | ApOGEAN | +79 | 276 | |
16 | Jeremy: | AEHKOTT | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 281 | ||
17 | Dipo: | ACENNOR | j11 | CERNE | +9 | 412 | |
18 | Jeremy: | AEHKOTT | 1l | PHOT | +27 | 308 | |
19 | Dipo: | EHIJNOR | k9 | JOHN | +44 | 456 | |
20 | Jeremy: | ?AEEKTZ | 2l | EEK | +31 | 339 | |
21 | Dipo: | EEFIIRR | l10 | FIER | +33 | 489 |
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