![]() Josh Sokol 194 Opeyemi Oloro ACEKOST 105 Blanks: K10=Y. Last play: Josh: EINOSUZ m7 BIZONES +56 194 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *M7 (B)IZONES 56 82.23% U 10.8 8J U(R)SINE 28 77.81% OZ 10.9 I10 (C)OUZIN 27 77.35% ES 11.6 9K (O)UZO 23 77.17% EINS 12.0 M7 (B)IZ 24 77.00% ENOSU 13.1 J9 Z(H)O 28 76.71% EINSU 17.0 13I ZO(S) 22 75.02% EINSU 19.0 14A OUS 20 74.32% EINZ 20.4 14D SOZINE 42 74.24% U 19.2 7G U(F)O 8 73.71% EINSZ |
Tiles remaining: 60>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Josh: | ?AAFNQV | h7 | FAVA | +20 | 20 | |
2 | Opeyemi: | BCEEHRT | 10f | BEACH | +26 | 26 | |
3 | Josh: | ?EGNNQS | -QN | +0 | 20 | ||
4 | Opeyemi: | CDEIJRT | 11c | JERID | +33 | 59 | |
5 | Josh: | ?EGNORS | k7 | GROyNES | +76 | 96 | |
6 | Opeyemi: | ABCTUVW | 12b | VAW | +37 | 96 | |
7 | Josh: | EINOSUY | 13c | YE | +42 | 138 | |
8 | Opeyemi: | ABCESTU | 7k | GUB | +9 | 105 |
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