![]() David Eldar AEILOUV 235 Harshan Lamabadusuriya 238 Blanks: H6=O. Last play: Harshan: EKRSUWY 3e WRY +22 238 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 5) best O1 WU(D) 21 50.79% EKRSY 2.21 J8 YUKS 32 49.13% ERW 2.68 G3 Y(E)UK 22 49.06% ERSW 3.50 2J YU 20 48.65% EKRSW 3.81*3E WRY 22 48.36% EKSU 5.88 N1 WY(ES) 20 47.13% EKRSU 6.13 10H (E)UK 19 47.06% ERSWY 5.96 2K UR 22 47.02% EKSWY 6.61 5D WRYE(R) 24 46.38% KSU 8.88 3E WEY 22 45.40% KRSU |
Tiles remaining: 52>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | David: | ?EEGPRT | h4 | PRoTEGE | +74 | 74 | |
2 | Harshan: | AEEISTX | 4g | EPITAXES | +84 | 84 | |
3 | David: | IIOOORU | -OOOUI | +0 | 74 | ||
4 | Harshan: | ADEELQZ | 3k | LAZED | +65 | 149 | |
5 | David: | EFINRST | 11c | SNIFTER | +80 | 154 | |
6 | Harshan: | EKMNOQS | i3 | QI | +21 | 170 | |
7 | David: | IJLNOPS | d8 | JINNS | +40 | 194 | |
8 | Harshan: | EKMNOSU | 5j | OMEN | +46 | 216 | |
9 | David: | ADLOPUV | 6j | PAD | +41 | 235 |
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