![]() David Eldar 294 Harshan Lamabadusuriya AADEIST 262 Blanks: L1=W. Last play: David: ?DOSVWY m7 WADY +36 294 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *M7 W(A)DY 36 81.90% ?OSV 5.11 12L SWY 40 79.50% ?DOV 9.49 12L SOV 34 77.24% ?DWY 12.0 13G Y(E)WS 32 76.03% ?DOV 13.6 12C VOW 23 75.26% ?DSY 12.6 13G W(E)YS 32 74.80% ?DOV 14.0 12J (G)OS 32 74.04% ?DVWY 14.8 12L SOY 34 73.87% ?DVW 16.1 N8 (I)VY 17 73.27% ?DOSW 16.5 N6 VO(I)D 16 73.16% ?SWY |
Tiles remaining: 36>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 | David: | GNORTVW | h6 | VROW | +20 | 20 | |
2 | Harshan: | CHIORXY | 7g | ORYX | +19 | 19 | |
3 | David: | EGNOPRT | 6j | OPT | +18 | 38 | |
4 | Harshan: | ABCHIOR | 5i | CHOIR | +43 | 62 | |
5 | David: | EGILNOR | l3 | LOITERING | +72 | 110 | |
6 | Harshan: | ABEIINT | 8k | BRAIN | +21 | 83 | |
7 | David: | ABFFKUU | 3k | BLUFF | +26 | 136 | |
8 | Harshan: | ACEIIMT | o1 | MAFIC | +39 | 122 | |
9 | David: | ?AEKLRU | 1h | LUKEwARM | +89 | 225 | |
10 | Harshan: | AEINQTU | 11e | EQUATING | +122 | 244 | |
11 | David: | ?DGOVWZ | j10 | ZIG | +33 | 258 | |
12 | Harshan: | ADEEELN | h11 | ANELE | +18 | 262 |
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