![]() Harshan Lamabadusuriya BDMNOPU 303 David Eldar 311 Blanks: E11=E. H7=I. Last play: David: DIORRYZ 11k DRY +28 311 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *11K DRY 28 53.49% IORZ 2.47 D11 ZORI 42 51.69% DRY 2.42 K9 (WE)IRDY 26 51.66% ORZ 4.80 11K YOD 32 49.43% IRRZ 5.47 11K DZO 40 48.57% IRRY 5.82 B8 (O)RZO 35 48.50% DIRY 6.89 D11 DOZY 42 47.45% IRR 7.80 B2 RID 24 46.87% ORYZ 7.58 F2 ZORI 35 46.82% DRY 7.98 11K DOY 28 46.76% IRRZ |
Tiles remaining: 32>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 | Harshan: | ?EMOPST | h4 | MOPiEST | +76 | 76 | |
2 | David: | ACEIJNV | 7g | JiVE | +25 | 25 | |
3 | Harshan: | EFIIOQV | 6j | FIVE | +31 | 107 | |
4 | David: | ACINORR | n4 | CARRION | +76 | 101 | |
5 | Harshan: | AAIOQUW | 4h | MAQUI | +32 | 139 | |
6 | David: | DEEFGIU | o8 | FEUED | +52 | 153 | |
7 | Harshan: | AHIORSW | 9e | AIRSHOWS | +69 | 208 | |
8 | David: | ?DGILNS | e5 | SIGNALeD | +86 | 239 | |
9 | Harshan: | ACEGOOT | 8a | COGON | +27 | 235 | |
10 | David: | EIIKRYZ | 10h | TIKE | +44 | 283 | |
11 | Harshan: | AEEINTX | a2 | EXITANCE | +68 | 303 |
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