![]() David Eldar 422 Harshan Lamabadusuriya CDEEEEO 255 Blanks: I11=L. Last play: David: GIIPSUW 13c UPSWING +32 422 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) 0.0813 13C WISPI(N)G 32 99.96% U best *13C UPSWI(N)G 32 99.96% I 3.23 12C WISP 37 99.95% GIU 4.97 13C SWIPI(N)G 32 99.95% U 3.47 8A SWIP(E) 39 99.92% GIU 9.92 13D WIPI(N)G 15 99.92% SU 7.69 1A IWI 20 99.91% GPSU 13.1 14D WIPI(N)G 18 99.90% SU 13.1 N4 IWIS 26 99.90% GPU 11.8 14F WI(N)G 16 99.89% IPSU |
Tiles remaining: 23>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 | David: | BDEGNPS | -GBP | +0 | 0 | ||
2 | Harshan: | AOORRTX | h4 | TAXOR | +26 | 26 | |
3 | David: | ADEINOS | i2 | ADONISE | +79 | 79 | |
4 | Harshan: | EGIJORY | j8 | GOJI | +32 | 58 | |
5 | David: | ?AINOPV | 11e | PAVIlION | +98 | 177 | |
6 | Harshan: | AELRRTY | l7 | ERRANTLY | +74 | 132 | |
7 | David: | DEILNUZ | 10d | LUZ | +67 | 244 | |
8 | Harshan: | AEMNNUV | h10 | VIENNA | +30 | 162 | |
9 | David: | ADEGINW | m1 | WINDAGE | +79 | 323 | |
10 | Harshan: | CELMTTU | k3 | MULCT | +21 | 183 | |
11 | David: | HIMRSST | 2c | THRIMSAS | +67 | 390 | |
12 | Harshan: | AEEFILT | e1 | FRAILTEE | +72 | 255 |
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