![]() Will Anderson 117 Nsikak Solomon Etim ?EENRTT 40 Blanks: I6=A. Last play: Will: ?ACESWY i5 CaUSEWAY +75 117 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11) best 15A WEYS 47 79.97% ?AC 1.27 15A YEWS 47 79.47% ?AC 2.41 15A WYES 47 79.09% ?AC 2.56 15A WAYS 47 78.85% ?CE 3.89 15A YAWS 47 78.45% ?CE 8.14 6F WYE 29 76.96% ?ACS 8.43 I5 CA(U)SEWaY 75 76.52% 9.10 15A CAYS 44 76.44% ?EW 10.5 15A CAWS 44 75.81% ?EY 10.7 11D (Y)AWY 26 75.58% ?CES 15.5*I5 Ca(U)SEWAY 75 74.04% |
Tiles remaining: 70
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 | Will: | ?CEGOPR | 8d | PORGE | +22 | 22 | |
2 | Will: | ?CEMUUW | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 27 | ||
3 | Nsikak: | AILNORY | d8 | POLYNIA | +24 | 24 | |
4 | Will: | ?CEMUUW | 7g | UMU | +15 | 42 | |
5 | Nsikak: | ?EMRTTV | 13c | VIM | +16 | 40 |
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