![]() Harshan Lamabadusuriya 267 David Eldar AEHORST 276 Blanks: M13=S. Last play: Harshan: EGLNNRS j5 LENG +16 267 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3) best J4 GLEN 19 39.41% NRS 1.81 5H (TI)NGLER 16 38.69% NS 1.70*J5 LENG 16 37.93% NRS 3.41 J4 GLENS 20 36.73% NR 5.18 4H S(A)NGER 22 35.43% LN 5.92 C4 LENG 12 34.26% NRS 6.55 4I (A)NGLE 12 34.22% NRS 8.49 5H (TI)NGLE 14 33.04% NRS 10.9 4I (A)NGER 12 31.46% LNS 9.53 4I (A)NGEL 12 31.32% NRS |
Tiles remaining: 26>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Harshan: | DNOUV | 8d | VODUN | +26 | 26 | |
2 | David: | AIKLNQW | f6 | QADI | +34 | 34 | |
3 | Harshan: | AAIOSTY | 7f | AY | +18 | 44 | |
4 | David: | IIKLNSW | 10f | SWINK | +41 | 75 | |
5 | Harshan: | AAIOSTU | 11i | AIA | +14 | 58 | |
6 | David: | CILLRUV | 12i | VRIL | +29 | 104 | |
7 | Harshan: | OORSTTU | h5 | TOUN | +10 | 68 | |
8 | David: | ACJLRUU | d7 | UVULAR | +18 | 122 | |
9 | Harshan: | ?EIORST | 13g | ROESTIs | +87 | 155 | |
10 | David: | ACEJNOY | 14a | JOYANCE | +102 | 224 | |
11 | Harshan: | EEHMRSX | 15b | HEX | +48 | 203 | |
12 | David: | GIOORTT | 15g | GROTTO | +28 | 252 | |
13 | Harshan: | BDEEMRS | 13b | BE | +28 | 231 | |
14 | David: | AAAACIR | 12d | RAIA | +9 | 261 | |
15 | Harshan: | DEGMNRS | 11c | DAM | +20 | 251 | |
16 | David: | AACDEIR | i3 | CAID | +15 | 276 |
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