![]() Wellington Jighere 113 Dave Wiegand AEEGINT 186 Blanks: E10=N. Last play: Wellington: AEFGMRZ d1 ZEDA +48 113 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 8) best 2A FEZ 41 9.302% AGMR 2.19 2A FAZE 46 8.616% GMR 2.59 4A FAME 36 8.428% GRZ 6.40 2A MAZE 44 7.845% FGR 4.59 6B ZAG(S) 34 7.648% EFMR 7.87 2A GAZE 42 7.537% FMR 16.8 2A REZ 35 7.401% AFGM 10.0*D1 ZE(D)A 48 6.858% FGMR 9.96 G7 G(L)AM 17 6.844% EFRZ 12.1 2A RAZE 40 6.754% FGM |
Tiles remaining: 63>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Wellington: | EELNORU | 8d | NOULE | +12 | 12 | |
2 | Dave: | ?DEEISS | e5 | ESSOInED | +82 | 82 | |
3 | Wellington: | CEEJNRR | f2 | JEER | +29 | 41 | |
4 | Dave: | AAAEEIY | f10 | YAE | +31 | 113 | |
5 | Wellington: | CKNQRRT | -CRNTRQK | +0 | 41 | ||
6 | Dave: | AAEIINW | g2 | AWA | +30 | 143 | |
7 | Wellington: | ADEFMVZ | 3c | ADVEW | +24 | 65 | |
8 | Dave: | EEGIINQ | h1 | QI | +43 | 186 |
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