![]() Wellington Jighere ?AIIKRU 232 Russell Honeybun 168 Last play: Russell: ?AAFIOS -- -88 168 |
Tiles remaining: 40>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Wellington: | EHINORS | 8d | HEROINS | +78 | 78 | |
2 | Russell: | ANNQRTV | h7 | QINTAR | +16 | 16 | |
3 | Wellington: | DEEETTT | d4 | TEETHED | +22 | 100 | |
4 | Russell: | EINOPUV | 7h | QUOP | +21 | 37 | |
5 | Wellington: | ACDEGTU | 11e | ACUATED | +40 | 140 | |
6 | Russell: | EHINOVY | 6j | HONEY | +45 | 82 | |
7 | Wellington: | AGLLORX | e3 | LOX | +40 | 180 | |
8 | Russell: | EFIMNRV | 5h | VERMIN | +47 | 129 | |
9 | Wellington: | ABGILRR | 4l | GARB | +31 | 211 | |
10 | Russell: | ?AAFLOW | 3j | FLAW | +39 | 168 | |
11 | Wellington: | AAIIKLR | o1 | ALIBI | +21 | 232 | |
12 | Russell: | ?AAFIOS | 13c | mAFIOSA | +88 | 256 |
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