![]() Prince Omosefe 132 Vannitha Balasingam AEGKSUV 89 Last play: Prince: ADHIPSS m1 APHIDS +37 132 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *M1 APHIDS 37 67.41% S 1.98 M3 APHIDS 39 66.39% S 1.67 M1 APISH 33 66.33% DS 2.31 M1 APHID 35 66.23% SS 3.84 L1 (Z)IPS 30 65.28% ADHS 4.07 M8 SPAHIS 39 64.93% D 4.62 M3 SPAHIS 35 64.45% D 7.07 M1 APHIS 33 63.98% DS 6.91 L1 (Z)APS 30 63.47% DHIS 10.0 10D APHIDS 27 62.96% S |
Tiles remaining: 67>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
1 | Prince: | ADEEIRU | -EU | +0 | 0 | ||
2 | Vannitha: | EMOTXYY | 8h | MOTEY | +28 | 28 | |
3 | Prince: | AADEEIR | j2 | ERADIATE | +63 | 63 | |
4 | Vannitha: | EGORUXY | 9i | YEX | +35 | 63 | |
5 | Prince: | DIIRSSZ | 1j | RIZ | +32 | 95 | |
6 | Vannitha: | AEGLORU | 7h | ALAR | +26 | 89 | |
7 | Prince: | ADHIPSS | 2d | DIPHASES | +72 | 167 | |
8 | Prince: | ADHIPSS | -- | -72 | 95 | ||
9 | Vannitha: | EGOOSUW | -UOWO | +0 | 89 |
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