![]() Thacha Koowirat EEEEILW 159 David Eldar 212 Blanks: J9=O. Last play: David: ACEINST 4f CISTVAEN +78 212 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *4F CIST(V)AEN 78 72.26% 3.15 M3 ANTIC(I)SE 78 70.87% 5.40 L1 CANISTE(L) 76 68.71% 11.9 M3 CANIT(I)ES 74 66.35% 12.6 5C ESTANCI(A) 70 65.78% 14.6 5G EST(A)NCIA 70 64.77% 19.9 14B (Z)INCATES 71 61.61% 21.5 O6 NE(M)ATICS 65 60.42% 23.1 M5 CAN(I)TIES 62 59.97% 22.3 O6 SE(M)ANTIC 63 59.94% |
Tiles remaining: 53>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Thacha: | FGNOOVW | h7 | GOWF | +22 | 22 | |
2 | David: | AEGISSU | 11d | AGUISES | +78 | 78 | |
3 | Thacha: | DIJNNOV | 12a | JOIN | +42 | 64 | |
4 | David: | DENNRSZ | b11 | RONZ | +26 | 104 | |
5 | Thacha: | ?AADNUV | j4 | VANADoUS | +65 | 129 | |
6 | David: | ACDEHNS | i9 | HEED | +30 | 134 | |
7 | Thacha: | IILMOUW | 8j | DOLIUM | +30 | 159 |
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