![]() Thacha Koowirat 389 David Eldar ?ORRRST 390 Blanks: J9=O. Last play: Thacha: ACEIILQ 8a QADI +45 389 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *8A QA(D)I 45 53.79% CEIL 11.9 6A QI(N) 14 52.42% ACEIL 31.2 14F QI 34 29.92% ACEIL 8.16 15H CIEL 31 26.14% AIQ 13.7 15H ICE 25 22.35% AILQ 21.0 F10 Q(U)A 32 20.83% CEIIL 23.0 15G LICE 28 18.56% AIQ 26.6 F7 CLIQ(U)E 37 13.64% AI 28.6 F7 CAIQ(U)E 37 12.50% IL 44.2 8A CE(D)I 24 10.61% AILQ |
Tiles remaining: 9>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Thacha: | FGNOOVW | h7 | GOWF | +22 | 22 | |
2 | David: | AEGISSU | 11d | AGUISES | +78 | 78 | |
3 | Thacha: | DIJNNOV | 12a | JOIN | +42 | 64 | |
4 | David: | DENNRSZ | b11 | RONZ | +26 | 104 | |
5 | Thacha: | ?AADNUV | j4 | VANADoUS | +65 | 129 | |
6 | David: | ACDEHNS | i9 | HEED | +30 | 134 | |
7 | Thacha: | IILMOUW | 8j | DOLIUM | +30 | 159 | |
8 | David: | ACEINST | 4f | CISTVAEN | +78 | 212 | |
9 | Thacha: | EEEEILW | 3k | EEEW | +22 | 181 | |
10 | David: | EEEGORX | 7l | EXO | +39 | 251 | |
11 | Thacha: | AEHILTU | 3g | HUI | +25 | 206 | |
12 | David: | EEGKRRY | 13g | GRYKE | +35 | 286 | |
13 | Thacha: | AABEFLT | 2m | FAB | +32 | 238 | |
14 | David: | ABEILOR | 1n | LO | +24 | 310 | |
15 | Thacha: | AAELTTV | 2b | VALETA | +28 | 266 | |
16 | David: | ABEIORY | 14j | YERBA | +55 | 365 | |
17 | Thacha: | DEMNOPT | c1 | TAMPONED | +78 | 344 | |
18 | David: | ?DIOORT | d2 | LOID | +25 | 390 |
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