![]() Samson Okosagah AACDHTX 155 Will Anderson 116 Blanks: O3=M. Last play: Will: EEIIMUY l1 YITIE +24 116 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3) 1.03 1A UEY 25 19.30% EIIM 1.21 3A UEY 24 19.03% EIIM best *L1 YI(T)IE 24 19.02% EMU 3.75 2L UEY 26 17.50% EIIM 6.78 L1 YI(T)E 22 16.81% EIMU 6.46 O1 EM(m)Y 36 16.76% EIIU 9.94 1A YUM 30 16.57% EEII 6.49 O1 IM(m)Y 36 16.44% EEIU 8.71 L1 YE(T)I 22 16.25% EIMU 8.82 4F UEY 20 16.20% EIIM |
Tiles remaining: 58>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 | Samson: | AELNRST | 8d | ANTLERS | +66 | 66 | |
2 | Will: | ?BIRRUV | d4 | URBIA | +14 | 14 | |
3 | Samson: | AEENOOU | j2 | AENEOUS | +11 | 77 | |
4 | Will: | ?EEORTV | 3h | OVERTEEm | +78 | 92 | |
5 | Samson: | DENORSY | 2b | RODNEYS | +78 | 155 |
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