![]() Alec Sjoholm 214 Harshan Lambadasuriya IMPRSTY 236 Blanks: G1=E. L9=S. Last play: Alec: EGIRUUV d8 JUVIE +30 214 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *D8 (J)UVIE 30 22.52% GRU 7.14 3F GU(R)U 7 19.33% EIRV 6.72 4B GIVER 34 19.01% UU 7.13 4A VIRGE 32 18.93% UU 10.2 4C VIER 30 17.88% GUU 11.6 8L (G)IVE 24 17.73% GRUU 11.8 M2 VIG 25 17.63% ERUU 12.1 4D REV 31 17.47% GIUU 12.8 8L (G)URU 15 17.34% EGIV 13.4 J4 U(M)U 7 16.87% EGIRV |
Tiles remaining: 52>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Alec: | EJKLORW | 8d | JOKER | +48 | 48 | |
2 | Harshan: | CDEEIRT | h1 | DIRECTER | +86 | 86 | |
3 | Alec: | EELMNOW | 5e | WELCOME | +56 | 104 | |
4 | Harshan: | ?AADGNP | l3 | PADNAGs | +90 | 176 | |
5 | Alec: | ?ADENTT | 1a | ATTENDeD | +80 | 184 | |
6 | Harshan: | AENNRXY | 6b | ANNEX | +60 | 236 |
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