![]() Alec Sjoholm EGR 440 Harshan Lambadasuriya 458 Blanks: G1=E. L9=S. Last play: Harshan: AIOORSU 10m SAU +16 458 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4) 6.00 2A ROOSA 22 IU 7.00 10M SOU 16 AIOR 7.00 10M SIR 16 AOOU 7.00*10M SAU 16 IOOR 7.00 10M SAR 16 IOOU 7.00 10M SAI 16 OORU 7.00 10M ROO 16 AISU 7.00 10M RIA 16 OOSU 7.00 10M RAS 16 IOOU 7.00 J4 A(M)USI(A) 23 OOR |
Tiles remaining: 4>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Alec: | EJKLORW | 8d | JOKER | +48 | 48 | |
2 | Harshan: | CDEEIRT | h1 | DIRECTER | +86 | 86 | |
3 | Alec: | EELMNOW | 5e | WELCOME | +56 | 104 | |
4 | Harshan: | ?AADGNP | l3 | PADNAGs | +90 | 176 | |
5 | Alec: | ?ADENTT | 1a | ATTENDeD | +80 | 184 | |
6 | Harshan: | AENNRXY | 6b | ANNEX | +60 | 236 | |
7 | Alec: | EGIRUUV | d8 | JUVIE | +30 | 214 | |
8 | Harshan: | IMPRSTY | 9c | PUMY | +27 | 263 | |
9 | Harshan: | AEIRSTY | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 268 | ||
10 | Alec: | GILRSUZ | 7g | ZEL | +44 | 258 | |
11 | Harshan: | AEIRSTY | 12c | YEASTIER | +62 | 330 | |
12 | Alec: | BGIIRSU | m2 | GIB | +24 | 282 | |
13 | Harshan: | BDHILNO | 4d | BOH | +35 | 365 | |
14 | Alec: | IORSTUU | 10f | UTU | +17 | 299 | |
15 | Harshan: | ADEIILN | 11i | NAILED | +18 | 383 | |
16 | Alec: | CHIIORS | 13b | ROSHI | +49 | 348 | |
17 | Alec: | CEFIILN | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 353 | ||
18 | Harshan: | AAIOQTW | 9i | QATs | +22 | 405 | |
19 | Alec: | CEFIILN | 14e | IF | +33 | 386 | |
20 | Harshan: | AIOOSUW | 12l | OW | +19 | 424 | |
21 | Alec: | CEILNRV | n1 | VIN | +23 | 409 | |
22 | Harshan: | AFIORSU | o2 | FA | +18 | 442 | |
23 | Alec: | CEELORS | 15a | COLES | +31 | 440 |
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