![]() Chris Ntege AEFHIIN 175 Odette Carmina Rio 147 Last play: Odette: ABFGIJR 10b FRIB +23 147 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 5) best 10B JIRGA 44 28.80% BF 11.6 J4 BAJRI 36 22.80% FG 12.7 13B GIF 23 22.46% ABJR 14.6 10B FRAG 21 21.55% BIJ 14.6*10B FRIB 23 21.45% AGJ 14.7 N10 FI(NE)R 32 21.33% ABGJ 13.6 J5 JAGIR 28 21.33% BF 14.9 10B FRIG 21 21.27% ABJ 16.0 K8 FRIG(ATE) 22 20.82% ABJ 17.6 10B BARF 22 20.53% GIJ |
Tiles remaining: 49>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 | Chris: | ALMRSUW | h7 | MAW | +16 | 16 | |
2 | Odette: | AAEEOOP | g7 | OPE | +22 | 22 | |
3 | Chris: | EEILRSU | i8 | LEISURE | +71 | 87 | |
4 | Odette: | AAEENOO | 11e | ANOAS | +10 | 32 | |
5 | Chris: | LNNOSUV | 15e | VULNS | +32 | 119 | |
6 | Odette: | AEENOOT | 13g | AEROTONE | +68 | 100 | |
7 | Chris: | AEGLNNO | 12k | ALONG | +26 | 145 | |
8 | Odette: | DGIIJTY | 12c | TIDY | +24 | 124 | |
9 | Chris: | EFHIINY | 14i | EYE | +30 | 175 |
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