Jakkrit AGINSTY 195 Akshay Bhandarkar 216 Blanks: K9=Y. N12=R. Last play: Akshay: AAAEOOR -AAAOO +0 216 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 10) best xch AAOO 0 57.61% AER 1.34 xch AAEOO 0 56.62% AR 1.94 xch AAAEO 0 56.24% OR 2.19 O11 AA 12 55.98% AEOOR 2.66 J6 AA 13 55.85% AEOOR 2.91 F10 (C)OO 14 55.61% AAAER 3.06 xch AAAO 0 55.45% EOR 3.99 D12 OOR 20 54.86% AAAE 3.86 J5 AA 13 54.72% AEOOR 4.01*xch AAAOO 0 54.39% ER |
Tiles remaining: 37>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 | Jakkrit: | ?AEFIILV | 8g | GUB | +12 | 12 | |
2 | Akshay: | ?AEFILV | 9i | IVyLEAF | +69 | 69 | |
3 | Jakkrit: | DEIOOTT | 8m | DEI | +32 | 44 | |
4 | Akshay: | ?DDENOR | n7 | READOrNED | +78 | 147 | |
5 | Jakkrit: | MNOOTTT | 15k | MONDO | +27 | 71 | |
6 | Akshay: | EEIIIIN | -EIII | +0 | 147 | ||
7 | Jakkrit: | JLMTTTU | 14j | JUT | +32 | 103 | |
8 | Akshay: | EHINOOR | m11 | HOO | +22 | 169 | |
9 | Jakkrit: | ACILMTT | 10f | CLIT | +17 | 120 | |
10 | Akshay: | AEIIINR | k11 | INIUM | +14 | 183 | |
11 | Jakkrit: | AEMNTTY | h10 | INMATE | +33 | 153 | |
12 | Akshay: | AEEGIRV | 14e | EVET | +15 | 198 | |
13 | Jakkrit: | ILPRTWY | k5 | WRYLy | +20 | 173 | |
14 | Akshay: | AAEFGIR | e11 | GRIEF | +18 | 216 | |
15 | Jakkrit: | AAGIPRT | g12 | APER | +22 | 195 |
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