Waseem Khatri ABHMSWY 131 Tony Leah 128 Last play: Tony: IILPTTZ m2 ZITI +49 128 DI, VAUT, JAI Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *M2 ZITI 49 34.83% LPT 6.31 M2 TITI 31 31.50% LPZ 8.48 J10 (G)LITZ 35 31.06% IPT 13.1 M2 PIT 23 28.72% ILTZ 14.5 L9 Z(A)TI 26 28.52% ILPT 14.9 M2 LIT 19 28.07% IPTZ 14.6 M2 ZIT 37 27.87% ILPT 16.6 M4 TI 19 27.08% ILPTZ 16.4 11E TILT 16 26.99% IPZ 16.8 11E TIPT 20 26.88% ILZ |
Tiles remaining: 64
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Waseem: | CIJOSWY | 8g | COWY | +24 | 24 | |
2 | Tony: | HLMOSUV | 7h | HOM | +27 | 27 | HO, OW, MY |
3 | Waseem: | AEEGIJS | k5 | JEE | +29 | 53 | HOME |
4 | Tony: | AADLSUV | 4j | VAU | +23 | 50 | AJEE |
5 | Waseem: | AEGIINS | h7 | HOI | +6 | 59 | |
6 | Tony: | ADDLSTT | l3 | DUADS | +29 | 79 | JA, ED, HOMES |
7 | Waseem: | AEGGINS | 10h | SIGNAGE | +72 | 131 | HOIS |
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