Will Anderson 194 Siddarth Murali EEILORR 259 Blanks: L2=F. Last play: Will: ?IIIPRZ 13m ZIP +56 194 REZ, PI Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *13M ZIP 56 18.17% ?IIR 18.5 J2 Z(A)I(DA) 35 10.52% ?IIPR 25.5 13M PI 22 8.799% ?IIRZ 30.8 2L (f)IZ 24 7.118% ?IIPR |
Tiles remaining: 43>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 | Will: | BEFGLOU | 8g | BEGULF | +32 | 32 | |
2 | Siddarth: | ?AIISTX | l2 | fIXATIFS | +84 | 84 | |
3 | Will: | IJOOPVW | 9f | JOW | +24 | 56 | BO, EW |
4 | Siddarth: | ADGMQRS | 3i | QADIS | +50 | 134 | |
5 | Will: | AIOPRVW | 10e | VOW | +30 | 86 | JO, BOW |
6 | Siddarth: | ADGHMNR | 5f | GRANDMA | +22 | 156 | |
7 | Will: | ?AIIPRY | d10 | AIRY | +24 | 110 | AVOW |
8 | Siddarth: | AEHLRSS | 11g | SLASHER | +79 | 235 | BOWS |
9 | Will: | ?EHIPPZ | 12l | HEP | +28 | 138 | EH, RE |
10 | Siddarth: | ABEEILU | 6h | BEAUT | +24 | 259 | AB, NE, DA, MU |
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