![]() Barry Keith BCGLORY 252 Michael Fagen 304 Blanks: D9=I. L5=R. Last play: Michael: ?AENRSV d6 RAViNES +82 304 RIF Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) best 12D AV(E)R(M)ENtS 102 83.75% 18.5*D6 RAViNES 82 72.76% 23.0 13B AVERSi(O)N 79 70.54% 24.1 13H (O)VERmANS 78 69.11% 26.1 M8 RAViNES 72 68.56% 28.8 K8 RAViNES 70 66.59% 28.9 14G R(E)ShAVEN 72 66.52% 30.2 K8 tAVERNS 69 65.81% 30.6 1K AVENS 38 65.66% ?R 29.9 M8 tAVERNS 71 65.63% |
Tiles remaining: 39>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Barry: | EEIJNOT | h4 | JETON | +40 | 40 | |
2 | Michael: | ?EIORTW | 5e | TOWERIEr | +90 | 90 | |
3 | Barry: | EFGIILO | 6e | IF | +28 | 68 | TI, OF |
4 | Michael: | DEEMOVW | g7 | WOVE | +29 | 119 | WO, ON |
5 | Barry: | EGIIILO | l3 | GIrLIE | +14 | 82 | |
6 | Michael: | ADDEEMO | h10 | DEMOED | +42 | 161 | ED |
7 | Barry: | AHINOTU | i3 | HORA | +22 | 104 | JO, TA |
8 | Michael: | AAEEFOY | f10 | FOE | +29 | 190 | FED |
9 | Barry: | AEINRTU | 15a | URINATED | +80 | 184 | |
10 | Michael: | AAENSVY | j3 | AYIN | +32 | 222 | HA, JOY, TAN |
11 | Barry: | ACGLOYZ | 2j | ZA | +68 | 252 | ZAYIN |
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