Will Anderson BEORTUY 225 Joshua Sokol 263 Blanks: D10=J. Last play: Joshua: DINNNRS a12 WIND +24 263 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *A12 (W)IND 24 68.17% NNRS 7.40 B10 DR(A)IN 20 62.82% NNS 7.35 13K DIN 18 62.63% NNRS 7.90 B10 DR(A)INS 22 62.57% NN 7.51 14F INN 13 62.34% DNRS 8.33 M11 NIN(O)N 10 61.98% DRS 9.14 B9 INN(A)RDS 20 61.31% N 8.82 11K INN 10 60.61% DNRS 11.2 B11 R(A)ND 10 60.02% INNS 9.92 K3 NIN(E) 8 59.95% DNRS |
Tiles remaining: 37>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 | Will: | AIOPRSZ | 8d | ZORIS | +48 | 48 | |
2 | Joshua: | CCGIIMW | e7 | COMIC | +22 | 22 | |
3 | Will: | AAAEPRU | 7g | PAUA | +19 | 67 | PI, AS |
4 | Joshua: | DEGGHIW | 8j | WIGGED | +47 | 69 | AW |
5 | Will: | AEEIMRR | o8 | DREAMIER | +92 | 159 | |
6 | Joshua: | EHJSTUX | 6j | JEUX | +63 | 132 | JAW |
7 | Will: | AEEEELQ | -QEEE | +0 | 159 | ||
8 | Joshua: | ?ADHIST | 10d | jIHADIST | +71 | 203 | |
9 | Will: | AEKLNOT | 14j | KETONE | +40 | 199 | |
10 | Joshua: | ADNSTTW | 12a | WATTS | +36 | 239 | COMICS |
11 | Will: | ALNNOTU | 15f | NOUNAL | +26 | 225 | KA, EL |
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