Clay Daniel 74 Joe Edley ADDMORR 68 Last play: Clay: ADIINOS 11k OI +8 74 OE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) best 11J DANIO 19 54.30% IS 0.744*11K OI 8 54.21% ADINS 0.413 13I OIDIA 22 54.17% NS 1.98 13I AID 13 53.34% INOS 2.45 13I OI 8 53.13% ADINS 3.50 11K AID 12 52.70% INOS 4.96 10I DANIO 14 51.97% IS 6.63 7I AID 11 51.28% INOS 6.38 11J ADO 16 51.20% IINS 6.35 11J NAOI 14 51.14% DIS |
Tiles remaining: 67>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 | Clay: | IIKNPRT | 8g | KIP | +18 | 18 | |
2 | Joe: | ABEINTY | 9f | BITE | +22 | 22 | KI, IT, PE |
3 | Clay: | AINNRTU | 10d | UNIT | +19 | 37 | BI, KIT |
4 | Joe: | AAENOTY | 11d | TONEY | +35 | 57 | UT, NO, BIN, KITE |
5 | Clay: | AEINRSY | 12c | YARE | +29 | 66 | UTA, NOR, BINE |
6 | Joe: | AAADELO | 12h | ALAE | +11 | 68 | YA |
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