![]() John Karris DEIIIQY 191 Robin Pollock Daniel 253 Blanks: L12=S. L7=N. Last play: Robin: EGINNOR n6 NEGRONI +73 253 KIN, nAE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3) best C8 (V)IGNERON 76 78.43% 6.60 6C EN(C)ORING 67 74.20% 7.57*N6 NEGRONI 73 73.96% 11.6 N7 NEGRONI 62 71.66% |
Tiles remaining: 39>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 | John: | DNNRTUX | 8g | TUX | +20 | 20 | |
2 | Robin: | ?AAHIOW | 9g | OHIA | +27 | 27 | TO, UH, XI |
3 | John: | ADNNRSY | 10i | SYN | +37 | 57 | XIS, AY |
4 | Robin: | ??AEKLW | l6 | KnAWELs | +83 | 110 | SYNE |
5 | John: | ADENRST | 12e | STANDERs | +59 | 116 | |
6 | Robin: | AAFFGIN | h12 | NAFF | +30 | 140 | |
7 | John: | CDELNRU | e6 | CURDLES | +20 | 136 | |
8 | Robin: | ABGGINP | g11 | GAP | +16 | 156 | PA |
9 | John: | AEHIINV | 8a | HAVER | +36 | 172 | |
10 | Robin: | ABGINRU | m3 | URBIA | +24 | 180 | KI, nA |
11 | John: | EIIINOQ | f10 | INTO | +19 | 191 | LI, ENG, OPA |
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