Robin Pollock Daniel AFIINST 249 Michael Fagen 212 Blanks: E12=G. Last play: Michael: ?BCETUZ n7 ZEBU +34 212 ZA, ER, BE Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3) best 7G Z(I)T 49 47.37% ?BCEU 12.5 3K CUB 27 38.45% ?ETZ 19.7*N7 ZEBU 34 33.88% ?CT 21.8 I11 B(I)Z 24 32.57% ?CETU 22.1 3F CUB 18 32.27% ?ETZ 22.4 3H CUB 18 31.98% ?ETZ 23.4 3F CUBE 20 31.46% ?TZ 24.3 J8 (R)EZ 32 31.23% ?BCTU 23.7 3I ZEBU 30 30.98% ?CT 25.8 K9 CUB(S) 16 30.38% ?ETZ |
Tiles remaining: 42>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Robin: | AEENQRW | 8e | WEANER | +18 | 18 | |
2 | Michael: | GIIILOR | h4 | OILING | +8 | 8 | |
3 | Robin: | AGOOQRV | 5g | VIRAGO | +20 | 38 | |
4 | Michael: | EIIOPRT | 4l | POI | +18 | 26 | PO |
5 | Robin: | EOQRTUX | 6h | LEX | +53 | 91 | RE, AX |
6 | Michael: | EINRTTY | f8 | ENTIRETY | +65 | 91 | |
7 | Robin: | AIOQRTU | 15a | TORQUY | +84 | 175 | |
8 | Michael: | ABEIORS | o3 | ISOBARE | +87 | 178 | POIS |
9 | Robin: | ?ACIOOS | 12e | gRACIOSO | +74 | 249 |
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